Listen Free, Share, Stream or Sell Songs on Audiohitlab indie music streaming and sharing platform

Audiohitlab Audiohitlab · 2 years ago · 825 views
Audiohitlab  is an Indie Music streaming and sharing platform that lets you sell, stream or share or download new music and offline the hottest albums, latest songs, mp3 juices, mixtape and curated  playlists. 
Listen Free, Share, Stream or Sell Songs on Audiohitlab indie music streaming and sharing platform

Audiohitlab  is an Indie Music streaming and sharing platform that lets you sell, stream or share or download new music and offline the hottest albums, latest songs, mp3 juices, mixtape and curated  playlists


The site is known for its focus on Afrobeat, Amapiano, hip-hop, rap, reggae, blues, gospel songs, and R&B, afrosound but it also features a wide variety of other genres such as electronic, rock, and pop. Artists and Record Label can sell songs, Event tickets and even sell Merch and Products. It has a lot of cool features where Artists/Members can earn rewards for uploading songs, playing songs, like songs, unlike songs, comments, and chatting with other members.


Audiohitlab has been rated the best world music streaming service provider. The benefits of using Audiohitlab are many. For one, it offers convenience and accessibility. With the ability to stream music from anywhere, at any time, on any device, Audiohitlab indie music streaming platform has made it easier than ever to listen to your favorite tunes. 



 Additionally, being among free music upload sites, Audiohitlab provides a more affordable alternative to buying music outright. Instead of purchasing individual albums or songs, users can pay a monthly subscription fee as a Pro member for access to a vast library of music and download premium songs.

You can visit to register and become an Artist.

Another major advantage of Audiohitlab indie music streaming platform is the ability to discover new music. With features such as personalized playlists, recommended songs, and artist radio stations, Audiohitlab makes it easy to explore and discover new music, African and Nigerian songs. This is particularly beneficial for independent and up-and-coming artists, who want to use audiohitlab music as a way to gain exposure and build a fanbase. 


Artists can sell their Song or Album, Products, Merch, Event Ticket at no cost and Audiohitlab will only charge when users make sales. Members can earn points on Audiohitlab by streaming, liking, disliking, comment, review and report or a song and even earn on viewing and sharing ads.  A Member can also earn up to 50% commission when a member you referred upgraded and become a pro member

One of the standout features of Audiohitlab is its simple, user-friendly interface. The site is easy to navigate and allows users to search for music by artist, album, or song, or browse through curated playlists. The platform also has a feature that allows users to upload their own music and share it with other users while users can stream, share and download music. It also has a strong community aspect, with a social media-like feed that allows users to follow their favorite artists and see their latest releases, as well as a comments section for each song, album and playlist.


Overall, Audiohitlab is a great option for fans of Afrobeat, Amapiano, hip-hop, rap, and R&B, as well as for independent artists looking for a music streaming platform to share their music and it is undoubtedly among the best free music upload sites. The site's simple interface and strong community aspect make it a great choice for discovering new music, latest songs and connecting with other music fans.

You can Visit for more info….

CLICK HERE to Listen to some Audiohitlab Playlist Songs

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